Identify an ethical challenge facing companies today. Then, describe a company managing that issue in a socially responsible way and a company managing the issue in an irresponsible way. What defines the difference between these two companies?
Expert Answer
1. Accounting level ethics: Malpractices in accounting to hide actual financial details.
2. Social networking ethics:L Information sharing which is very confidential, spreading news to defame companies and staffs
3.Harrasment ethics: Because of low productivity and favoritism, women harrasment, harrasmenet due to ethnicity.
4. Employee payment ethics: Unequal payments for same level employees
Companies which addrss ethical issues in social responsible manner will be very well formalised and standerdised in approaching such issues. There will be a comittee for every ethical aspects such as issue on harrasment, an ombudsmen will be apointed with steering committee to address and resolve such issues on real time basis ( eg: Nestle, Amazon).. At the same time irresponsible companies never bother about such cases and they ignore and move along with such unethical practices. They dont focus on social image and companys reputation at all. ( eg Toshiba Accounting scandal).