Answered! Goal: This lab project will expose the student to the IAREmbedded Workbench and its use with the STM32F207ZG…

Goal: This lab project will expose the student to the IAREmbedded Workbench and its use with the STM32F207ZG microcontroller, as well as exposing the student to the IDEs GUI, and understanding how write and read from different Vo points on the IAR board. References: IAR Tutorial, STM32F207ZG microcontroller manuals and documentation Background: The IAR development board incorporates 4 LEDs and 2 switches. The board labels the LEDs STAT1 to STAT4. For this lab, consider STATn and LEDn to be identical terminology. All devices (e.g. LEDs and switches) are hardwired to specific pins on the ports. The user switch is wired to port G pin 6. LEDI is wired to port F pin 6, LED2 wired to port F pin 7, LED3 wired to port F pin 3, and LED4 wired to port F pin 4. This lab reads the user button and writes to LEDs (below) Requirements: Write the ARM assembly language program necessary to read the user pushbutton. When pressed: l. Turn LED2 on immediately. 2. Turn LED3 on 300 msec after LED2 turned on. 3. Turn LED4 on 450 msec after LED3 turned on. 4. Turn LED1 on 600 msec after LED4 turned on. Complete the above 4 steps even if the button has been released prior to the 1350 msec period completing. If after the 4 LEDs have been turned on, wait another 500 msec. Then, if the switch is still pressed, flash LEDs 1 and 4 off for 250 msec, on for 750 msec. and LEDs 2 and 3 on for 250 msec, off for 750 msec (opposite what LEDs 1 and 4 are doing). Repeat this cycle of 250 msec off /750 msec on as long as the switch is still pressed. When the switch is released, turn the LEDs off immediately. Helpful hints: The file <stiostm32f207zx.h has to be included in your source code. Ports F and G have to be enabled through RCC AHBIENR. You have to set pins in port F (output) and G for input. You will also have to configure TIMx CRI,TIMx ARR, and TIMx PSC, and TIMx EGR. To enable, you have to set RCC APBIENR appropriately. You can check TIMx CNT to detect if the timer has reached the desired value. Once you have completed the assignment, demonstrate the correct operation. Deliverables: l. Demonstration of correct operation. 2. Lab report containing the following: a. description of the project b. Project implementation (one timer, 4 timers, interrupt-driven timers, etc) c. obstacles, cool implementation ideas, hurdles, cans ofred bull d. source code e. conclusion, team member contributions, any pertinent screen shots
Using IAR Embedded Workbench

Goal: This lab project will expose the student to the IAREmbedded Workbench and its use with the STM32F207ZG microcontroller, as well as exposing the student to the IDE’s GUI, and understanding how write and read from different Vo points on the IAR board. References: IAR Tutorial, STM32F207ZG microcontroller manuals and documentation Background: The IAR development board incorporates 4 LEDs and 2 switches. The board labels the LEDs “STAT1” to “STAT4”. For this lab, consider “STATn” and “LEDn” to be identical terminology. All devices (e.g. LEDs and switches) are hardwired to specific pins on the ports. The user switch is wired to port G pin 6. LEDI is wired to port F pin 6, LED2 wired to port F pin 7, LED3 wired to port F pin 3, and LED4 wired to port F pin 4. This lab reads the user button and writes to LEDs (below) Requirements: Write the ARM assembly language program necessary to read the user pushbutton. When pressed: l. Turn LED2 on immediately. 2. Turn LED3 on 300 msec after LED2 turned on. 3. Turn LED4 on 450 msec after LED3 turned on. 4. Turn LED1 on 600 msec after LED4 turned on. Complete the above 4 steps even if the button has been released prior to the 1350 msec period completing. If after the 4 LEDs have been turned on, wait another 500 msec. Then, if the switch is still pressed, flash LEDs 1 and 4 off for 250 msec, on for 750 msec. and LEDs 2 and 3 on for 250 msec, off for 750 msec (opposite what LEDs 1 and 4 are doing). Repeat this cycle of 250 msec off /750 msec on as long as the switch is still pressed. When the switch is released, turn the LEDs off immediately. Helpful hints: The file

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