Build three search algorithms to find matching names in two different lists using Java.
1. Read two input files, each containing a sorted list of first names. Assume the input
files will be in the working directory and will be named list1.txt and list2.txt.
2. Find the matching names using three different algorithms. The first list could be
considered the reference list, and the second list would contain the list of names to be
(a) The first search method, named findByBruteForce should use a linear search of
the target list. The inputs to this function will be the two lists.
(b) The second search method, named findByBinarySearch should implement a binary
search algorithm. The inputs to this function will be the two lists.
(c) The third search method, named findByFinesse should implement the tokenized
search discussed in class and summarized below.
Start two markers, one for each list, at the beginning of each list.
Repeat the process outlined below
Compare the two marked items
If both are equal print the name and advance both markers one element.
else since they’re not equal advance the marker that comes first, alphabetically.
There are three files supplied with the assignment:
1. list1.txt which contains the list of five names.
2. list2.txt also contains a list of five names.
3. expectedOutput.txt which is a redirection of the output. This is to be used as the
baseline for running the diff command to confirm the output results and formatting.
(See the Sample Output below for an example of how diff will be used.)
Sample output
java Lab01
list1.txt contains:
list2.txt contains:
The method findByBruteForce found the following match(es):
The method findByBinarySearch found the following match(es):
The method findByFinesse found the following match(es):
java Lab01 >myOutput.txt
diff myOutput.txt expectedOutput.txt
Note The diff command will report any differences between the input files. No output means there is no differences between the input files.
Expert Answer
public class SearchMethods {
String[] list1;
String[] list2;
public SearchMethods(String[] list1, String[] list2) {
this.list1 = list1;
this.list2 = list2;
//brute force
public void findByBruteForce(){
System.out.println(“The method findByBruteForce found the following match(es):”);
for(String s:list1){
for(String t:list2){
//binary search
public void findByBinarySearch() throws IOException{
System.out.println(“The method findByBinarySearch found the following match(es):”);
for(String s:list1){
int f = bsearch(s,list2,0,list2.length);
private int bsearch(String word, String [] words, int a, int b) {
if(b <= a)
return -1;
if(b – a == 1)
return words[a].equals(word) ? a : -1;
int p = (a + b)/2;
if(word.compareTo(words[p]) < 0) {
return bsearch(word, words, 0, p);
} else if(word.compareTo(words[p]) > 0) {
return bsearch(word, words, p, b);
return p;
public void findByFinesse() throws IOException{
int a = 0;
int b = 0;
System.out.println(“The method findByFinesse found the following match(es):”);
while(a<5 && b<5){
int c = list1[a].compareTo(list2[b]);
if(c<0) a++;
else b++;
import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
public class Driver {
public static void main(String[] args) {
//define the file size
final int sz = 5;
String[] f1 = new String[sz];
String[] f2 = new String[sz];
FileInputStream file = new FileInputStream(“file1.txt”);
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(file));
int i = 0;
String strline;
System.out.println(“list1.txt contains:”);
while ((strline = br.readLine()) != null && i<5) {
f1[i] = strline;
file = new FileInputStream(“file2.txt”);
br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(file));
i = 0;
System.out.println(“list2.txt contains:”);
while ((strline = br.readLine()) != null && i<5) {
f2[i] = strline;
SearchMethods sm = new SearchMethods(f1, f2);
//Invoke whichever method is required
catch(Exception e){