Design the minimum-state DFA that accepts all and only the strings of 0’s and 1’s that end in 010. To verify that you have designed the correct
automaton, identify the true statement in a list of choices.
These choices will involve:
1. The number of loops (transitions from a state to itself).
2. The number of transitions into a state (including loops) on input 1.
3. The number of transitions into a state (including loops) on input 0.
Count the number of transitions into each of your states (“in-transitions”) on input 1 and also on input 0. Count the number of loops on input 1 and on input 0. Then, find the true statement in the following list.
a) There are two loops on input 1 and no loop on input 0.
b) There is one loop on input 0 and no loop on input 1.
c) There is one state that has two in-transitions on input 0.
d) There are two states that have two in-transitions on input 1.
Answer and explain me