Can you help me to making C++ programming? Sort a 10x15 array of characters. Largest located at index [0][0-14] and smallest at index [9][0-14]. Create a procedure that passes the array to a print routine, then a procedure that sorts the array and returns the sorted array to the original procedure, and finish by using the same print routine. Fill the array with Lcekoeddhoffbmc Lkcmggjcdhhglif Cgldjhcekjigcde Cgldjhcekjigcdz Bffmdbkcenlafjk Fggdijijegfblln Jjlncnimjldfedj Amliglfohajcdmm Balgfcaelhfkgeb Kmlhmhcddfoeild Note: This is a character array but the sorting is done as if there are 10 strings with each string having 15 characters. The output would be Lkcmggjcdhhglif Lcekoeddhoffbmc Kmlhmhcddfoeild Jjlncnimjldfedj Fggdijijegfblln Cgldjhcekjigcdz Cgldjhcekjigcde Bffmdbkcenlafjk Balgfcaelhfkgeb Amliglfohajcdmm Full credit will be given if a file is used to read in the array. Name the file input.dat
Expert Answer
using namespace std;
void print(char array[][16], int rows, int cols){
for(int i=0; i<rows; i++){
for(int j=0; j<cols; j++)
cout << array[i][j];
cout << endl;
void Sort(char array[][16], int rows, int cols){
char temp[16];
for(int i=0; i<rows; i++){
for(int j=i+1; j<rows; j++)
if(strcmp(array[i], array[j])<0){
strcpy(temp, array[i]);
strcpy(array[i], array[j]);
strcpy(array[j], temp);
int main(){
ifstream infile(“input.dat”);
char array[10][16];
int i=0;
cout <<“unable to open file so exiting from program”<<endl;
return 0;
infile >> array[i++];
cout << “Before Sorting ” << endl;
print(array, 10, 15);
Sort(array, 10, 15);
cout << “nAfter Sorting ” << endl;
print(array, 10, 15);
return 0;