Answered! can you assist me in completing this equation? Consider the home remodeling construction project you worked on in the previous assessments…

can you assist me in completing this equation?

Consider the home remodeling construction project you worked on in the previous assessments. From the project manager’s viewpoint, it is essential to have a quantitative risk analysis for each task.

Complete the risk analysis for the tasks provided in the table below. Indicate a range of 0-10 (0 is the lowest, 10 is the highest) in the appropriate risk attributes columns: Severity, Likelihood and Ability to detect risk for each of the risks. Discuss the reasons for the values you assigned to each risk.

Add a new column to this table called “Quantitative risk priority number RPN”; RPN needs to be computed as follows: S*L*D. What conclusions do you draw based on the RPN numbers for each task?

Home Remodeling Quantitative Risk Analysis Table
Severity (S) Likelihood (L) Ability to Detect (D)
Surveying & Design Repeated Work due to a change of design/structure
Prolonged consultation on structural plan
Design Construction Prolonged consultation on new design plan
Prolonged consultation on materials to be used
Suspension or delay due to an accident
Suspension or delay due to environmental measures
Construction Work Suspension or delay due to the unexpected discovery of an unwanted previous structure
Shortening or delay due to mistakes in measures for adjacent structures
Delay due to an administrative factor, such as budget cut
Remodeling through coordination with the owners concerned
Post-Opening Rehabilitation of damage due to an accidental damage
Environmental Measures

Expert Answer

Solution :-

Home Remodeling Quantitative Risk Analysis Table

Severity (S) Likelihood (L) Ability to Detect (D) Quantitative risk priority number RPN
Surveying & Design Repeated Work due to a change of design/structure 3 9 5 135
Prolonged consultation on structural plan 9 6 4 216
Design Construction Prolonged consultation on new design plan 8 9 3 216
Prolonged consultation on materials to be used 4 2 8 64
Suspension or delay due to an accident 1 3 9 27
Suspension or delay due to environmental measures 3 5 5 75
Construction Work Suspension or delay due to the unexpected discovery of an unwanted previous structure 9 7 7 441
Shortening or delay due to mistakes in measures for adjacent structures 8 6 7 336
Delay due to an administrative factor, such as budget cut 6 4 5 120
Remodeling through coordination with the owners concerned 9 5 7 315
Post-Opening Rehabilitation of damage due to an accidental damage 1 2 4 8
Environmental Measures 1 3 5 15

Note – The above given risk values are determined by one’s understanding. You can alter the risk rankings acoording to yours. These risk vaues are depends on the Project manager and the working environment. The environmental factors are also included that are changes region to region.

Explanation –

Now depending on the risk factor given above we evaluate the risk ranking.

(1) Surveying & Design –

a) Repeated Work due to a change of design/structure – the risk values assigned 3,9,5 to S,L,D respectively and RPN is 135.

b) Prolonged consultation on structural plan – the risk values assigned 9,6,4 to S,L,D respectively and RPN is 216.

(2) Design Construction –

a) Prolonged consultation on new design plan – the risk values assigned 8,9,3 to S,L,D respectively and RPN is 216.

b) Prolonged consultation on materials to be used – the risk values assigned 4,2,8 to S,L,D respectively and RPN is 64.

c) Suspension or delay due to an accident – the risk values assigned 1,3,9 to S,L,D respectively and RPN is 27.

d) Suspension or delay due to environmental measures – the risk values assigned 3,5,5 to S,L,D respectively and RPN is 75.

(3) Construction Work –

a) Suspension or delay due to the unexpected discovery of an unwanted previous structure – the risk values assigned 9,7,7 to S,L,D respectively and RPN is 441.

b) Shortening or delay due to mistakes in measures for adjacent structures – the risk values assigned 8,6,7 to S,L,D respectively and RPN is 336.

c) Delay due to an administrative factor, such as budget cut – the risk values assigned 4,6,5 to S,L,D respectively and RPN is 120.

d) Remodeling through coordination with the owners concerned – the risk values assigned 9,5,7 to S,L,D respectively and RPN is 315.

(4) Post-Opening –

a) Rehabilitation of damage due to an accidental damage – the risk values assigned 1,2,4 to S,L,D respectively and RPN is 8.

b) Environmental Measures – the risk values assigned 1,3,5 to S,L,D respectively and RPN is 15.

By the above given quantitative risk analysis we can see that the RPN (Quantitative risk priority number) describes the severity of the risk associated in some quantity. The highest risk is ‘Suspension or delay due to the unexpected discovery of an unwanted previous structure’ in construction work with RPN 441. While the lowest risk is ‘Rehabilitation of damage due to an accidental damage’ in post-opening with RPN 8.

Other risk are analyzed and observed with a moderate RPN Values. So we can understand the risk severity set the countermeasures to reduce the risk to complete the project on time.

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