Assume a 32-bit floating point format with 7 bits for Exp and 24 bits for Frac. a. What is a bias for this format? b. Construct a table similar to one on Slide E14 or E15. Single precision numbers provide 6 or 7 significant decimal digits. If a result of some arithmetic operation is a larger number than the largest normalized number rightarrow floating point overflow. Double precision numbers provide 15 significant decimal digits. If a result of some arithmetic operation is non zero and smaller than the smallest deformalized number rightarrow underflow;
Expert Answer
Zero –> if all bits all zero
Smallest Denormalized –> all bits of exponent are zero, all bits of fraction is zero expect for the last one.
Largest Denormalized –> all bits of exponent are zero, all bits of fraction is one.
One –> Bias should cancel out exponent and all fraction is zero.
Smallest Normalized –> all bits of exponent are zero except for the last one and all bits of fraction are zero.
Largest Normalized –> all bits of exponent are 1 except for the last one and all bits of fraction are zero.
Here you go with the table: