● Students will engage in critical thinking regarding the systems of the human body and pathology in Anatomy, and specifically the for the following topics:
Integumentary, musculoskeletal, pulmonary, respiratory, urinary, circulatory, male/female reproductive, electrolytes/hydration, endocrine, and immune/lymphatic.
SPECIFIC TOPIC/Assigned pathology: Asthma
-Students will be assigned pathology 2 week of the course, they will be assigned to develop a Research Document Report and PowerPoint by apply researched information on their topic.
- Define the disease,
- Cause of the disease,
- Signs & Symptoms of the disease (If apply, include
stages, levels, or types of the disease), - Laboratory findings (include, all blood test names, genetic
test, urine test, i.e.) Must include all normal versus
abnormal levels that will confirm the disease, - Images of the Disease (X-ray, MRI, Ct Scans, PET scans),
- Treatment for the disease (this includes name of the
medications, dosage, side effects, alternative medications, - Diet for the patient,
- Demographics of the disease,
- Prognosis of the disease,
- Photos of the disease throughout the PowerPoint
presentation. - 11. All students must apply APA and writing style format.
- References must be within the last 5 years and no less than 10 references.
-All references are to be included in the PowerPoint presentation and Written Report in APA format.
● Google scholar, eMedicine, World Health Origination (WHO), Center for Disease and Prevention Control (CDC), Web-Med, MayoCLinic, and other healthcare organizations, i.e
Recommended reading:
Martini, Nath, & Bartholomew. Fundamental’s Of Anatomy & Physiology, 11th Edition. Pearson