Admission cardiotocogram refers to the recording of the fetal heart after women admits into the labour ward. The significance of this recording lies in the fact that it can detect any early deficiency and malfunctioning that can be intervened for further treatment. During normal labour uterine contractions put some stress on placental circulation.
This produces specific normal rhythms. However, any abnormality in this rhythm can be indicative of malfunction. Early detection of any potential threat may allow intervention and treatment at appropriate step.
If admission cardiotocogram appears to be normal it gives hope for having a normal delivery. However, admission cardiotocography may not be necessary in cases where there is no evidence of any complications during pregnancies. “Admission cardiotocography is widely used to identify pregnancies that might benefit from continuous electronic fetal monitoring in labour.”(Impey et al, 2003)
Impey et al (2003) reported that 20 min of cardiotocography does not have any beneficial impact on neonatal outcomes. “Routine use of cardiotocography for 20 min on admission to the delivery ward does not improve neonatal outcome.
No significant increase in operative delivery was apparent, probably because of liberal use of fetal blood sampling.” (Impey et al, 2003)
Evidence available tomorrow
Current midwifery practice
Impey L; Reynolds M; MacQuillan K; Gates S; Murphy J; Sheil O (2003) Admission cardiotocography: a randomised controlled trial. Oxford Feto-Maternal Medicine Unit, Women’s Centre, John Radcliffe Hospital, Headington, Oxford, UK.