The different classes an immigrant can identify him/herself with is the white upper/ middle class who is prosperous in their endeavors, a working class blue collar native and the not so fortunate lower class of the economical and social food chain, who is surrounded but a community and lifestyle that is still influence by their original language and beliefs. 2) Will assimilation for contemporary immigrants be segmented? The future of contemporary immigrants in the United States being segmented is unsure.
Although Europeans in who migrated to the United States in the early 1900’s eventually obtained most of the same levels of achievements as native white Americans, it was an undeniable struggle.
Some analysts believe that assimilation will not be segmented, especially if the seven stages are completed as Milton Gordon’s (sociologist) theory suggests. On the opposing hand, the separating and segmenting of assimilations is what other analysts believe will occur. History will not repeat itself in this sense. Immigrants’ will and cannot adapt norms and values of their host nation.
Another reason why assimilation for contemporary immigrants will be segmented is because there is such a difference in social & working classes that the top and bottom of societal totem pole will never mix. More specifically, income plays a crucial part in the segmenting. As the text states, there are three types of experiences immigrants face. Primary labor market, secondary labor market and enclave are determined by the capital they provide, their race and how the dominant group precedes them. 3) After examining the evidence and arguments presented by both sides in CH9 f the textbook, and using information for CH9 and previous chapters, which side of the debate seems more credible to you? Why? After examining the evidence in the text and my own personal experience, I feel like the more accurate and credible argument is of segmented assimilation. Majority of the United States, voluntarily and/or involuntarily exercise being segmented from the dominant white upper class. Unlike the success of the European migration before the 1940’s where a small percentage settled here and their next generation kin were Americanized since birth, the amount of immigrants who currently enter America is of greater proportions.
Also, according to the text, it is said to believe that because of mass transportation, immigrants are able to communicate with or travel to their native lands therefore keeping native values and culture alive and fresh. From my experience as an immigrant of color, it is an immense struggle to maintain financial comfort, above average academic standings and prestige and power in the work place. It is a battle in itself just to get a chance to obtain those meaningful accomplishments. The language barrier plays a vital part in an immigrant’s growth or lack of in a foreign country. ) What will the United States look like in the future if assimilation is segmented? Even though minority groups such as Indian Americans and African Americans have been part of the nations history since the beginning, they are still experiencing racism and discrimination on many levels. The urban class who consists of colored people is categorized in having low incomes, minimal education and no social standing. Women of all races have also been fighting a long battle to finally become equal to men.
According to the text, the new immigration groups have a harder time competing with the likes of the middle/ upper class Americans because not only are they frowned upon, but their road to assimilation does not just consist of one step. They need to be well educated to be up to par with the English language, latest methods, procedures and technologies of an advanced nation such as America. Without sufficient funds, high-level certificate/ degree bound education cannot be reached. The problem is a cycle that repeats itself because one obstacle can affect the whole mission.
One will pay to be educated for a better job but one must work to pay for that education. It is extremely difficult and exhausting to work and go to school both full time. If segmented assimilation continues, the rich will get richer as well as more advanced and the poor will get poorer, neglected and forgotten. The nation will never recover from the division of its own citizens. 5) How would the future change if assimilation were not segmented? If the United States were not segmented, unimaginable aspects of the change would occur. I believe many levels of multiculturalism and acculturation would reach a great high.
There would be a foreseeable unity in the nation. Racism and discrimination would diminish. Crime would decline because more troubled people will have positive situations to care about and maintain. Poverty would be scarce because there would be a chance for the once lower class to receive the proper education they would need to secure the occupation that would allow a more than comfortable life. People will not be subjected to certain conditions and expectations because of their native norms, education or race. This would almost guarantee economical, political and moral advances. Literally, it would mean a united state for the United States.