50005000L?mite de caracteres 5000So that they know the incidence Essay


L?mite de caracteres: 5000

So that they know the incidence is something that occurs in a criminal course and are usually crimes. Those of us who live on our island know what crime is like. Every year it is seen how the criminal incidence increases, that is, when the year begins, it can be seen that it happens even more. In our island there is a large population not like in other cities but this criminal incidence is seen in the same way.

You can find ways to reduce it, but, we do not take the initiative to do so. It is preferred to continue listening, watching and reading news about what is happening in our country. In Puerto Rico the criminal incidence is experienced in different ways.

When it comes to the fact that the criminal incidence that does not cover falls is when it rises the most. Although the government cannot be blamed 100%, it is 75% to blame for what happens.

Every change, increase and demand they create causes human beings to be affected and look for ways to create easy money and not have to surrender to the government. The sale of drugs may be what causes more criminal incidence here on the island, because it is something that some of the young and non-young people take to do so that they have money at hand. In this case, criminal incidents occur because they do not know how to handle their anger and try to maintain a high profile. Abuse, rather, aggressions can also happen due to this or the complete despair that the person feels. It is observed how each time the incidence grows through the years more and more. This makes each day think about the phrase we all know which is “What happens to us Puerto Rico?”.

The criminal incidence in this year, to be more specific thanks to some statistics of the Puerto Rico police from January 1 to July 23 has been the following in those areas that seemed more of my interest and are the best known regions I practically found These are in this following table:

Regions Murders Violation Robbery Assault Car theft

Mayaguez 2.1% 0.9% 77.7% 15.5% 3.8%

Ponce 2.6% 0.9% 74.9% 18.2% 3.4%

San Juan 2.3% 0.4% 70.6% 7.1% 19.5%

Fajardo 6.7% 0.8% 68.4% 19.0% 5.1%

Bayam?n 1.2% 0.6% 69.8% 5.8% 22.5%

Arecibo 1.4% 0.8% 74.6% 14.1% 9.2%

We can observe the data collected thanks to the Puerto Rico Police. We see how in all regions the theft is the most prevalent unlike the other incidents. While in the Fajardo region it has been where more murders and assaults have been. Bayam?n is where car theft has prevailed most unlike other regions. However, the regions of Mayag?ez and Ponce have the same number of violations. Based on this, we can get carried away to find out where it is most important to watch, since it is known what abounds most in the different regions of our island. Fighting all possible incidents is very important and gives us a lot to say about our Puerto Rico and the police officers who exercise here.

Look for the case on Wednesday, July 10 where there was a robbery at a fast food establishment in Quebradilla. According to Telemundo, on Friday, the young Mar?a I. Mart?nez was arrested for this. Judge Michelle Camacho determined that “they set bail of 450k, which I do not lend, being admitted to the Bayam?n prison,” Telemundo informed us. On the other hand we see the case of the woman killed by a mobile. “We went to the residence, but it was missing. He was summoned with a relative, with his father. He indicated that he would deliver it today (Tuesday), ”Ruiz said. Jensen was given a 300k bond which he lent and was released. I brought these cases as an example although I should not compare them since they are totally different incidents. But we see how justice in our Puerto Rico is wrong. How is it possible that he was given more bail for a robbery than for a murder? This gives much to say about justice on our beloved island, it is incredible that a robbery has more weight than taking a person’s life. Also the quick way they move when it comes to robberies, assaults, etc. and when it comes to murder, it takes the longest time to search for the guilty party and when the time comes for the trial, they set bail bonds or release them for not having enough evidence to imprison him. That said last Friday 23rd, Rocky The Kid uploaded a publication where the bail bond was raised to the young Jensen and he could not lend it being admitted to the Bayam?n prison. All this was thanks to the outrage that occurred in the country. In these incidents we Puerto Ricans must be on the lookout and even then the person does not know it or anything we must look for the right way to do justice and not let them do or give bail due to the incident that happens, since we must claim the rights that person; If he died, he can’t.

When the year 2018 began, the FBI director considered that Puerto Rico is was facing “crisis of violence”. However, Jeff commented in an interview that “They could send the entire FBI here and still we would be overworked. That is the situation we have here right now. ” It looks like the casualty of police officers on the island can be a dangerous thing as there are more and more incidents. The abuse they have on the police of our island is what makes there less and less here as they seek to go to other states where they provide better help and salaries. The work they do here on the island is one of great risk, sometimes they tempt their lives and still continue to exercise them for the love of their homeland.

     Since the criminal incidence in Puerto Rico has grown, I have thought that all this could be avoided if they legalized at least marijuana. Although this would create a low “bichotes” as we say here since anyone could sell it. Many of these crimes that happen on our island are drug-based, because when they are drugged they often don’t know what they are doing and are even more problematic than usual. Even when this is not usually an excuse to kill, assault or rob someone or an establishment. Most adults think that youth is lost because they are almost always the ones who do the crimes. Although 90% is correct in that there are many factors that influence as for example the jobs many require years of experience and they do not give us the experience and that is how many prefer to join the world of drugs or look for other ways to have money without They demand experience. Unfortunately, whether they want drugs or not, and the way they raise the kids today is what forms the incidence even more. Many believe that the world revolves around them and they think they are the most thugs. If we Puerto Ricans take things seriously and not to joke we could handle well what happens on our island. But, most of them are problematic and they love to create tares, so when something happens they come whining or demanding justice when things are usually sought.

     One of the only ways this could be avoided is by having more police officers, but, by not paying them what they should be, they are leaving. Just as there are deaths of innocent people, there are also deaths of wanted deaths. The incident grows and grows every time, no matter how hard they try to get it down, it will be difficult for them. It is not a matter of having many or few police officers as this goes beyond how those who commit such crimes are prepared. The criminals lately are even better prepared than the police here on the island and around the world. Unfortunately, the criminal incidence on the island will continue to grow with the passing of time. It is a pity that every week there is a criminal incident for x or y reason then it gives even more pity the way in which justice in our country deals with these criminal incidents.

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